It Started all started with this Cam in 2003 in Hull, MA... 2,112 people on this website right now. Please Help Save it.
We been online since 2002. We have had our ups and downs over the years but through it all we came out with a well know name. "Northeast Surfing." Two months ago I almost lost it all when a partner resigned out of nowhere. Now I have become the sole owner again and this time I want to do it right. Over the past few months I been digging deep in my pockets, working hard trying to save the WEBSITE part of my company. Personality conflicts led to me being ambushed and left with no funds, lawyers and stress. I was offered money to sell the entire thing I barley was holding on to. You all can help me keep this site local. Anything Helps. We do not need that much, just need our visitors to show some support. THAN COVID-19 HIT. First Hull Cam 2003.
This website provides so much to so many people around the Northeast, USA and beyond. But most of you know us for our surf cameras. Although we can be so much more. I am asking for the surfing community to donate anything they can so that I can keep this website alive. Looking for a strong foundation to build on. If I can just pay the bills for the next few months until we open our surf camp registration that would save us. Please consider any donation today. Thanks for your time, Ronnie Lees.
Since the beginning we have added better streaming, HD cameras, faster load times, new severs, better website.
Coming in 2020.. Two more cameras at top surf spots, a huge forecast area, more surf reports. All possible because of you.
The Surf School Pays for the cameras and website. The Streaming members pay for the stream. Without the surf school the website can not exists and this would shut down the streaming cams as well. In fact the enter website would be gone. In 2020 due to COVID-19 we were forced to close the surf school. Thousands were lost and loans were taken out. Shops closed and for the first time in years we own money. The next step is to liquidate the website. Sell off all the cameras and close it down after 19 years of being successful. Unless we can make it to 2021 and the surf school is allowed to open. So why are we in such a bad spot? The other options is to shut down half the cameras.
In 2019 one of the owners quit without noticed and worked hard to damage the company. We went into 2020 with a strong recovery when COVID-19 hit us all hard. We have 8 days to pay over $1,000.00 to keep the camps online to March 2021. I have already spent $11,000 and I am NOT willing to spend anymore on the website. So please consider to donate today. BEFORE we have to decide which cams to save and which cams to shut down. The majority of our website is free. Thanks for your time, Northeast Surfing.
Want to Help & Get More out of it? Buy a Year membership for $75.00. We need to raise $1000.00 for all cams to be online until the summer of 2021. BUY A YEAR MEMBERSHIP FOR A ONE TIME PAYMENT OF $75.00.
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