We still took care, custody and control of your children. This cost time, money, staffing, insurance and so much more. Waves or not we cared for your students. BUT we can switch surfing around, classes around, so that the same amount of surfing is done throughout the week. Remember you have paid for a 4 day program during the week. The 5th day is free or used as a weather day. This information below is posted on the sign up pages.
We ask parents and family members to please allow us to do our job. Trust our programs and read below for more information. We ask for you not to be involved in this process and be understanding while on the beach to the elements that we have to deal with daily. We have over 20 years invested and all our programs are accreted by the National Surf Schools & Instructors Association. The way we do things have been approved and accepted by the surf industry. We are the ones with the experience and training. TRUST US. Read below for more details. See our daily schedule below.
Northeast Surfing is an educated based NSSIA Accredited and Approved surf academy with over 25 years experience in the surf industry. Over 20,000 students have come through our surf school located on Nantasket Beach, in Hull, MA. This experience has forced us to institute certain safety policies that at times conflict with customer service. Although we are very clear that safety is more important to our company than making parents happy. Safety must come first. Our programs are for the entire class not one individual family. The programs are listed on the signup pages and listed below. We attempt to stick to this schedule as close as we can. Dealing with tides, small waves, big waves, winds and so much more. We ask that you trust the process and allow your students to have fun. Because at the end of the day having fun is the main goal of surf camps, while being safe.
Sign IN & Sign OUT: We start sign in on time and not early. Sign in averages about 15 minutes most days. Sign Out takes about the same amount of time. This includes students organizing their belongings and the walk back and forth from the Northeast Surfing Canopy.
Forcing Students to Surf, Parent Involvement on Beach: We DO NOT make changes to our entire program for a few students. We will provide extra help when we are asked only. The program we have in place works for the larger percentage of our students. WE ask for parents not to be involved with our classes. If you like to parent we ask that you do this off the beach. WE do not permit parents yelling or discipline students while they leave them in our care. This is disruptive to the entire class. WE do not force students to surf. This against our company policy. WE do encourage surfing all week to all of our students. Again WE DO NOT FORCE STUDENTS TO SURF ever. Please respect our staff while on the beach and any complaints should be placed in writing to this website.
Daily Activities: Everything starts with the basics. In Surfing, nothing beats a good groundwork of fundamental skills. This will make the learning process easier and a lot more fun. Moreover, getting those basics right during the early stages of learning will help improve our student(s) performance, giving our student(s) more confidence before actually riding a wave. We have classes in Forecasting, Weather, Safety, Surfboard Education,Ocean and Beach Education and learning how to be a better surfer through education.
Snack Break: So important to refuel, add sunscreen, drink water, regroup, and socialize freely. This is in-between sessions and is a very important part of surf academy camp.
Waves to BIG waves too SMALL no Waves? Sometimes this happens. SO we have a few choices, scare the students or risk them getting hurt, or not surf at these times, or do other camp activities. We give education classes daily and these classes can be switched around so that the surfing time is longer other days of the week. Trust us on this, you came to us for a reason, allow us to use our surfing / weather knowledge to keep your students safe. WE NEVER SURF SHORE BREAK. WE NEVER SURF BIG WAVES.
Ages Groups: We offer two type of surfing Academy’s. One for adults and one for children. Children are considered ages 7 to 15 years old. Adults Academy are ages 16 and older. Our Academy also offers hour surfing lessons for anyone over 5 years old. Your child has to be able to swim and feel comfortable in the ocean’s surf zone. Please respect our age requirements.
Academy Policies Please Read: We can not offer make up days based on weather, your child’s schedule, or waves (to big or to small). We hold the daily academy everyday. Once you book a week you have taken that spot for the entire week 5 days. We are limited to how many spots per week per session we can have based on our permit. We turn away over 50 to 70 families a summer. We will offer credits for families who have medical or family emergencies for the following year. To be used by the same child only. Once payment is made you have taken a spot. Thanks for your understanding. The daily schedule can change based on waves, weather, etc.
Wetsuits: We rent wetsuits for both adults and children that we professionally clean. Wetsuits are NOT included in the price just incase we have a warm week and your child does not need one. On the Monday of your Academy week you can rent the wetsuit for the week if needed. Wetsuits price: One Day $20.00. One Week (5 days) $20.00. Once a wetsuit is rented it is your child’s rental for the week whether they use it or not. Meaning we CANNOT rent that wetsuit to anyone else during that time frame. So there are NO refunds. The rental will be on the beach daily when needed.
Academy Schedule: This schedule is subject to change based on surfing conditions, weather, etc. We surf between 1 hour 40 minutes and 2 hours 10 minutes based on the conditions and the speed of the students, staff, wetsuits etc. You are paying for a surf academy, educated based program. One hour surf lessons cost $65.oo for a youth. The youth surf academy is placed into a package that includes more than surfing. We cannot control the waves and other activities will be substituted when needed.
One hour surf lessons: Can not be traded for camps. Sorry we have different investors. Camps are camps lessons are lessons. Parties can only be rescheduled before the party begins. Once any activity is provided we can not provide the same activity again for free.
We DO NOT push students into waves all week every day. This teaches them nothing. WE try to follow the schedule below. If your student doesn’t get surfing by Thursday that’s okay. But we do not change this schedule for the entire class for a few students.
Mornings: 9:00am-12noon. Afternoons: 1:00pm-4:00pm.
MONDAY – Northeast Surfing introduction & history. Surf Instruction Safety & technique beach class. First session ocean Surf Coaching class. Surfing break, sunscreen, water, snack. Second session ocean Surf Coaching class. Pushing into waves.
TUESDAY – Northeast Surfing Education Class on Surfer Etiquette. First session ocean Surf Coaching class. Surfing break, sunscreen, water, snack. Second session ocean Surf Coaching class. Pushing into waves.
WEDNESDAY – Northeast Surfing Education Class on Surf Forecasting. First session ocean Surf Coaching class. Surfing break, sunscreen, water, snack. Second session ocean Surf Coaching class. Surf coaching no more pushing into waves. Timing on catching waves.
THURSDAY – Northeast Surfing Education Class on Surf Forecasting. First session ocean Surf Coaching class. Surfing break, sunscreen, water, snack. Second session ocean Surf Coaching class. Surf coaching no more pushing into waves. Coaching students to figure out their own timing on catching waves.
FRIDAY – First session ocean Surf LIFEGUARDING ONLY class. Surfing break, sunscreen, water, snack. Second session ocean lifeguarding only class. Friday day fun day. We allow the students to socialize, have fun, catch waves, surf or don’t surf. We only lifeguard on Fridays. Let allow the students to have fun on Friday’s no more instruction. FRIDAY WE DO NOT PROVIDE SURF INSTRUCTIONS. THIS IS YOUR FREE DAY AND ITS THE KIDS FUN DAY. LET THEM SMILE.
What you Agree to when singing up –