Northeast Surfing Booking


TERMS & CONDITIONS: Northeast Surfing Academy Programs are in a high demand. In the past our flexibility and kindness has been taken advantaged of by some. Moving forward we must enforce the polices you will read below. These polices benefit your children by ensuring the longevity of our company. Thanks for your understanding and feel free to contact us with questions.WE have been in business for over 20 years, your purchase is safe with us, and during these hard times we need your business.

Forcing Students to Surf, Parent Involvement on Beach: We DO NOT make changes to our entire program for a few students. We will provide extra help when we are asked only. The program we have in place works for the larger percentage of our students. WE ask for parents not to be involved with our classes. If you like to parent we ask that you do this off the beach. WE do not permit parents yelling or discipline students while they leave them in our care. This is disruptive to the entire class. WE do not force students to surf. This against our company policy. WE do encourage surfing all week to all of our students. Again WE DO NOT FORCE STUDENTS TO SURF ever. Please respect our staff while on the beach and any complaints should be placed in writing to this website. .

Week Surf Academy (camps) NO Refund policy: IMPORTANT Once payment or deposit is made your space is reserved. Northeast Surfing will NOT refund any payments to any persons with NO exceptions. In the case of a medical emergency only with a medical note written by a doctors office. Northeast Surfing will issue a credit for the same academy activity (academy / camps only) to be used within one year by the same camper / student only. “NO CREDIT”S” without a medical note. This is so important to understand.  

Weather Week Academy CAMPS: Northeast Surfing will surf in the rain, while in the ocean you won’t even feel the rain. What we don’t like is strong winds or storms. We will hold the day academy no matter what the weather is like. We always meet at the beach where our tent is located all summer. We have an extremely weather proof tent with sides for real bad weather. Other plans in place to accommodate any weather situations. No refunds are given based on any weather conditions. No waves, waves too big, flat, thunder classes ending early, etc. You pay for 4 days and get the 5th day free. In the case of a summer nor'easter and we can not put up the company canopy. We may use the 5th day as a weather day if needed. 

Youth Only CAMPS – Immunization Records: Written documentation of immunization “Camp / School / Sports form” shall be required for all campers, or a medical note clearing said camper(s). Religious Exceptions. If a camper or staff member has religious objections to physical examinations or immunizations, the camper or staff member shall submit a written statement, signed by a parent or legal guardian of the camper, to the effect that the individual is in good health and stating the reason for such objections. read more here. All paperwork is due the first day of camp. Children ages are confirmed. All ages of students are confirmed and enforced by the board of health polices. A COVID TEST or VACCINE maybe require to attend camps. We are not sure yet. 

Wetsuits: We rent wetsuits for both adults and children that we professionally clean. Wetsuits are NOT included in the price just incase we have a warm week and your child does not need one. On the Monday of your Academy week you can rent the wetsuit for the week if needed. Wetsuits price: One Day $20.00. One Week (5 days) $20.00. Once a wetsuit is rented it is your child’s rental for the week whether they use it or not. Meaning we CANNOT rent that wetsuit to anyone else during that time frame. So there are NO refunds. The rental will be on the beach daily when needed. Wetsuits are optional. 

One Hour Surf Lessons: Cancel anytime within 48 hour for a full refind or a credit. Cancel witin 48 hours and recive a credit. Cancel the same day you will not receive a credit or a refund. If you have any type of medical emergency within 48 hours we will issue you a credit that never exspires. Wetsuits and surfboards are included in hour surf lessons.